VisiRule Analytics
Gain Insights with VisiRule Analytics
VisiRule Analytics allows you to see how your intelligent decision tree flow charts are being accessed by customers, staff and prospects. You can deliver your VisiRule charts as ChatBots or web apps. Understanding how your charts are used, and by whom, helps you gain valuable insights into your current solutions.
Conclusion driven analytics
Data can be seen both from a global view, and partitioned by conclusion. This means you can spot variations across the different conclusions. You can even see the analytical data in situ in a map of the chart.

Session Logs
Each user session is recorded in a log file. VisiRule records which questions were asked, what the answers were and what conclusion the Expert System reached. VisiRule can aggregate and analyse these paths to produce some useful statistics and interesting insights into how users are using any specific chart.

Partitioned Analytics
VisiRule provides access to aggregated data globally (i.e. all sessions aggregated) and also partitioned by the reached conclusion. This partitioning allows you to see the variance in data between the different conclusions reached. You might find that people of a different ages tend to have different outcomes, or you may find that age does not affect the distribution of the various outcomes, but height does, or some combinaton of the two! Finding hidden patterns in data can be incredibly useful for businesses who always need to understand who their customers are and what interests and problems they may have.
Question Analytics
VisiRule can calculate basic data for both discrete and continuous questions. For discrete questions, VisiRule Analytics will tell you how often each option was selected. For continuous questions, VisiRule Analytics will calculate the mean, minimum and maximum values, as well as the standard deviation. The standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.

Statement Box Analytics
VisiRule can calculate basic data for both discrete and continuous statements. For discrete statements, VisiRule Analytics will tell how often each option was calculated. For continuous statements, VisiRule Analytics will calculate the mean, minimum and maximum values, as well as the standard deviation.

Intelligent Analytics
By comparing partitions, you can sometimes better understand the clustering associated with different behaviours. You may even think of ways to improve the original chart in light of the partitioned data. This corresponds to seeing which executed Business Rules are being used, by whom and when.