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Decision Tree Software Diagram

Interactive Decision Tree FlowChart Software

VisiRule is AI-enabled No-Code Low-Code decision tree software which enables business users to capture expert knowledge using decision tree flowcharts and use them to generate interactive decision tree software applications.


Some popular areas for using decision tree flowcharts include:

  • Product Support: identify and diagnose common faults and recommend restorative actions

  • Conversational ChatBots: structure scripts using decision trees

  • Legal Advice: provide bespoke advice plus generate legal documents

  • Sales: select and configure suitable products: Configure-Price-Quote

  • Process Automation: embed Business Rules logic to automate decisions

  • Regulatory Compliance: distribute best practice legal compliance

  • Implement troubleshooting flowcharts to diagnose machine faults

medical Decision Tree Flowchart in VisiRule
Insurance Decision Tree Expert System in VisiRule

Low Code No Code Decision Tree FlowCharts

Interactive decision tree flow chart

VisiRule does NOT require any special programming skills - just a clear mind and a logical brain. Using an interactive tool like VisiRule can help you organize your thoughts logically.


Decision tree software and flow chart decision tree diagrams provide an excellent way to specify and refine step-wise logic. Just draw your decision logic and VisiRule will build the interactive questions for you from the diagram. As answers are given, VisiRule executes the logic associated with that part of the decision flowchart and creates the next question. On completion, VisiRule returns the conclusions reached and any advice, recommendations, guidance, reports, documents computed.

VisiRule combines the very best elements of executable decision flowcharts with convergent decision trees. VisiRule supports the visual structuring of Boolean Logic plus the evaluation of formulae using::

  • conditional asking of questions (logical branching)

  • execution of logic-based rules using answers (logical inference)

  • generation of complex documents (output configuration)

What is a Decision Tree?

Decision Trees are flowchart graphs or diagrams that map out decision alternatives and their possible outcomes. When executed, the decision making process is explored by asking a dynamic sequence of questions.


Why Build a Decision Tree Flow Chart?

Having an established decision flowchart means people can access an agreed solution process in terms of how to make a decision.


How are Flowchart Decision Trees created?

Flowchart decision trees can be drawn in VisiRule, or imported from tools such as Visio or Lucidchart or induced using machine learning.


What Makes VisiRule So Special?

VisiRule not only provides a convenient way to build, test and adapt decision models, but, rather than limit the author to producing static diagrams, VisiRule allows you to actually run the decision tree logic.

Interactive software for decision tree flowchart
VisiRule Decision Tree for Statistics

What Is a Yes-No Flow Chart?

One of the simplest flow charts is a Yes-No decision chart. Such a flowchart allows you to logically organize solutions based on certain inputs, while providing an easy way to identify potential paths.


How Does a Yes-No Flow Chart Work?

A Yes-No Flow Chart is a simple visual representation of the steps needed to solve a problem. It consists of boxes, with each containing either “Yes” or “No”. You begin with the original issue at the top and move through the boxes as you obtain answers to the questions posed in them. As you progress, you will hone in on a clear solution which arrives you reach your final outcome at the bottom.

How do I Make a Yes-No FlowChart?

Start by listing out all the possible solutions, and all the possible questions that may be needed. Draw lines connecting each answer with a "Yes" or "No" branch of a question. Once you’ve finished connecting all the boxes, you can generate the code and execute.

Covid-19 Expert System Decision Flow Chart

Benefits of Using Yes-No Flow Charts

Using Yes-No Flow Charts can help you become more efficient and methodical in approaching complex problems and helps clarify any confusions that may exist. This leads to better and more consistent decision making and problem solving strategies. By providing a visual medium of communication that is easy to understand, it encourages brainstorming and collaboration among team members.​


Am I limited to Simple Yes-No Questions?

No, you can have as many available answers as you like. VisiRule supports a wide range of question types including single selection from 2 or more alternate choices, multiple selection questions where the user can multiple answers from the many options available as well as free text and number input.

What is a Decision Table?

Decision tables are powerful tools for expressing complex logical relationships in an understandable manner. They clearly define the decision statement of a problem in a tabular form. You can import DMN decision tables into VisiRule.


FlowChart Decision Trees vs Decision Tables

Decision trees are a lot more compact than Decision Tables and easier to maintain, as explained in Decision Tables and Decision Trees by Enfocus.

The two
representations can be of similar size when there is a low degree of convergence, but as branches rejoin (merge), the decision table has to either duplicate rows and columns or resort to nested tables which gets complicated.


Building Interactive FlowCharts

VisiRule combines interactive decision tree software with process flow. The result is ideal for defining alternate options in making decisions. Decision Tree flowcharts are well suited to implementing fault-finding systems.

decision table in excel

Visual Programming

VisiRule’s approach of "programming via flow-charting” permits rapid prototyping and review, and greatly enhances the qualitative capture and shared understanding of decision making. Using a combination of shapes, text, and lines, a VisiRule chart is simple to create and easy to understand. As Wikipedia so neatly states: "it is easier for many to read and understand". Structured diagrams provide a powerful way of organizing and communicating ideas and thoughts. A good visual representation supports transparency, consistency and ease of maintenance.


Flowchart Decision Tree Automation 

VisiRule Decision Automation is part of Decision Engineering and Enterprise Decision Management, and reflects the power of using decision tree flowcharts to manage the complexity and volume of data of Big Data.


"A visual metaphor enhances intuitive thinking, inductive reasoning, and pattern recognition."

How to Draw Decision FlowChart Trees

There is a growing trend towards representing decision making logic visually. This can be seen in the popularity of tools such as MindMap, Lucidchart, Miro decision trees and Visio. Using an interactive graphical tool helps clarify and improve users' understanding of the subject matter. The very act of mapping out a decision-making process forces people to consider and agree on a sequence of steps and logic used to make a decision. VisiRule takes this a stage further by incorporating a code generator which turns these diagrams from passive, static images into active question and answer sessions.

You can even use popular drawing tools such as Lucidchart to draw your decision tree, export the shapes as data and import into VisiRule for refinement, logical validation and delivery purposes.

VisiRule also allows authors to use expert knowledge and/or rules induced using VisiRule FastChart machine learning to build intelligent solutions. All VisiRule charts can be delivered as Intelligent ChatBots or Expert Systems.


VisiRule provides a dedicated diagramming tool for experts to draw and test charts


VisiRule compiles charts to create web-based questionnaire pages and associated rules


VisiRule executes each question page using the associated rules to compute the next page


VisiRule generates a conclusion + reports, documents & transcripts using the answers given

How Does VisiRule Work?

  1. Author creates a FlowChart Decision Tree
    Using VisiRule, the author draws, or imports, a decision tree flow chart containing the various
    VisiRule questions types with logical and mathematical expressions determining which branch is executed next. 

  2. Author Publishes the Decision Flowchart
    VisiRule generates code to 
    deliver either a web-based questionnaire, a chatbot or a data driven component


  3. VisiRule Chart is deployed
    VisiRule gets an answer for the first question either from existing data or by asking the user, evaluates the associated conditional logic and determines the next question to examine.

  1. VisiRule generates Conclusions and Documents
    At the end of a session, VisiRule reports its conclusions, makes recommendations, and generates all the required output documents.

  2. Analyse Metrics
    You can access statistics and insight into the questions asked, the answers obtained and how they led to a specific conclusion.

Resolving Uncertainty

Resolving Uncertainty

Often you have 3 answers Yes, No, Unsure.

The trick is then to be able to present some additional questions in the latter case which result in in effect a Yes or No determination which then pushes the computation forwards but in only 2 ways (not 3).

VisiRule supports this by merging the resultant paths.

What are VisiRule's Strengths?

VisiRule supports:

  • dedicated easy to use drawing tool

  • code generation with immediate execution

  • flowchart decision trees with branching convergence

  • multiple alternative solutions via backtracking

  • document generation using answers and calculations

Deliver Trees using JavaScript Engine

You can compile your trees/graphs directly into HTML/JavaScript and execute them client side both online and offline using the VisiRule JavaScript Rules Engine.


Software for Interactive Decision Trees

VisiRule offers a powerful combination of ways to help manage complexity

  • visual structuring of logic

  • logical expression evaluation for compound logic

  • powerful mathematical calculator for complex formulae

  • program functions for set handling, text analysis

Automatically Constructed Questionnaires

The VisiRule code generator walks through the decision tree harvesting questions, available answers, and any branching logic. With these, it builds a questionnaire containing the sequence of interconnected questions. These will be asked as the user progresses through the decision tree flowchart.

Why Use Flowchart Decision Tree Diagrams?

Decision tree flowcharts and decision flow charts are graphical representations of decision making processes with many advantages:


  • You can present and explain the decision-making process simply
    A picture is worth a thousand
    words. Decision tree diagrams are compact and concise. You can often explain a complicated, structured process with multiple alternate routes and conclusions in a single paged decision tree diagram. Trying to represent nested complexity using text or decision tables is messy and hard to manage


  • You can standardize and automate the process
    Once a decision making flowchart exists, everyone who needs to make that decision can do so in the same way, quickly. This can act as a pre-curosr to decision automation. Self-service systems can compute answers instantly.


  • You can detect missing decision points
    Just the task of documenting a process often helps you spot which bits are missing. VisiRule's ability to instantly compile and execute the decision tree diagram helps you spot gaps. VisiRule also offers a truth table to spot inconsistencies and logic gaps.


  • You avoid having staff as a single point of failure
    By taking humans out of the decision-making process, you ensure good decisions are taken regardless of which people are, or are not, available.


  • Read about flowcharts in How to Simplify Decision Making With Flowcharts.

  • Read about logic trees in An Intro to Logic Trees and Structured Programming


Diagram Layout Matters!

VisiRule lets you decide how to lay out charts. You have total control over the relative size and position of each node and field visibility. This means you can preserve existing designs, which often took a lot of time and effort to organize.


You can even offer a view of the chart at run-time to help people see their position and context within the questionnaire. So when users stray down the wrong branch, get asked the wrong questions, they can find their way back to where they took a wrong turn, and change their mind. Just like a road map!


Interactive Decision Flowchart with Path Finding

VisiRule flow charts are like Google maps. They show the possible routes between start and end nodes. In VisiRule, the 'towns' visited are askable questions or computed calculations. On leaving a 'town', there is a test to see where to go next. The final route that connects the start node to the conclusion forms a connected decision path, and can provide a complete logical explanation trail of the journey.

Decision Tree Diagrams

software for decision tree flowchart for immigration application

​What are Decision Tree Diagrams?

Decision tree diagrams are used to visualise decision-making processes in the form of a tree. In its simplest form, this diagram is composed of nodes and lines. The nodes represent decisions that need to be made, while the lines highlight paths that each decision will lead to. By following these paths, you can gain an understanding of outcomes or consequences associated with making that decision. The decision tree diagram encodes the decision logic within a tree structure where each exit from a question is controlled by a logical expression. The answer given or retrieved from some data source is tested against each expression and the first one to succeed dictates the exit chosen and the path to the next question.


What are the Benefits of Decision Tree Diagrams for Process Modeling

Decision tree diagrams are incredibly useful for those who need to map out complex, multi-dimensional processes; they provide a visual representation of the paths available at each selection point, helping to identify possible options and outcomes. They also make it easier to predict how any given decision could affect other related tasks, as well as helping to identify areas where more research or planning is required. By providing a clear overview of a process, decision tree diagrams can be instrumental in mapping out steps from start to finish and ensuring that nothing is missed.


How to Create a Decision Tree Diagram for Process Modeling

To create a decision tree diagram for your model, you first need to identify the different stages in the process that require decisions or choices. Once these are identified, establish the available paths or next steps at each stage – including actions associated with positive and negative outcomes. Finally, connect these in a tree-like structure where each branch leads to another one until all possible paths and outcomes are connected.


What is a Question Tree Diagram?

A question tree diagram contains all the relevant questions related to a decision in a tree structure. Software for decision tree deployment enables the logic in question tree diagram to direct the conversation flow and determine what is to be asked next.

VisiRule decision Tree for document automation

Decision Making Tree Software

Decision making tree software can provide tremendous cost and time savings for businesses, especially as decisions become more complex. VisiRule can enable you to make faster, smarter decisions in no time.

What is Decision Making Tree Software?

Decision making tree software is a type of decision-support software that helps businesses make wise decisions quickly. Often, making decisions involves numerous "what-if" scenarios and in order to make the best choice, it may be necessary to explore each option.


How Does Decision Making Tree Software Work?

Decision making tree software works by providing an organized structure users can utilize when comparing and analyzing multiple options or scenarios. Each ‘node’ on the decision tree is a distinct option or decision, which can be followed through outcome-of-decision branches. VisiRule facilitates collaboration between team members, allowing them to share their findings and come to a consensus on the best solution for any given problem.

What is convergence?
.By supporting the merging of divergent branches, VisiRule overcomes the problems of exponential explosion often encountered with conventional decision trees.

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