Diagnostic Troubleshooting Flowcharts
Help your customers help themselves by providing
interactive fault finding troubleshooting guides
Use VisiRule decision tree diagnostic flow charts to build and deliver self service fault finding troubleshooting solutions. With VisiRule, you can capture and expose the steps required to help identify and repair faults in a systematic and methodical way.
You can turn static troubleshooting guides into interactive fault finding apps to diagnose faults and make repairs.
VisiRule helps you capture fault diagnostic knowledge visually in an intuitive and iterative way. You can validate and test the logic of the decision flow chart and then use it to deliver a self-service interactive troubleshooting guide which both qualified and unqualified people can use.

What are Troubleshooting Flow Charts?
Historically, a troubleshooting flowchart or diagnostic guide was a detailed manual that helped diagnose and resolve issues. It often contained step-wise solutions for common problems. VisiRule lets you deliver active troubleshooting guides as self-service apps.
Self-service Troubleshooting Fault-Finding Guides
By deploying fault finding troubleshooting flow chart guides as self-service solutions, you can empower your staff and field agents to solve their own problems in a controlled and recorded way. You can capture and monitor their use and effectiveness to provide a better service.
What is Self-service Support?
Self-service support focuses on giving users the necessary tools to resolve problems on their own without having to reach out to support agents, just as drivers can fill their own vehicles with diesel or gas, or consumers can check their own goods out of a store.
What is an Interactive Walkthrough?
Interactive walkthroughs are step-by-step guides used for customer and employee onboarding and training programs. They encourage faster digital adoption and a higher level of product understanding.
Diagnostic Flow Chart Decision Tree Software
VisiRule delivers fault finding problem resolution direct to the person who needs help on their own device via a dynamic sequence of interconnected questions either as form-based web apps or client side HTML/JS apps or within intelligent conversational chatbots.
Each answer helps determine the next question. Advanced calculations can be performed and complex logic evaluated. Pictures and links to videos can be instantly included to provide explanations and guidance. Dynamic reports can also be generated.

VisiRule Diagnostic Flowcharts
reduce the time to problem resolution
provide up-to-date accurate advice 24 x 7
increase the accuracy and speed of problem resolution
capture the faults logged and symptoms found
provide links to the very latest product information
Benefits of Providing Interactive Troubleshooters
happier customers through improved customer service
happier staff through access to best practice solutions
increased profits through reduced costs
better understanding of customer problems
Self-Service Troubleshooting Flowcharts
Self-service troubleshooting diagnostic flow charts provide a practical way of improving customer satisfaction. They can reduce the strain and workload on your own experts. Mobile technology provides an ideal platform for delivering self-help diagnostic expert systems in a convenient and cost-effective way. VisiRule can automate software for decision trees for help-desk agents and support staff to ensure that customers always receive the correct response.
Intelligent Fault Finding: Detection & Resolution
Fault finding, or troubleshooting diagnostics, can be readily captured and represented diagrammatically. Using VisiRule Author, you simply draw the fault finding flow chart and VisiRule will create an interactive question and answer session which queries the nature of the symptoms present in a structured way and directs users to a suitable solution.
You can read an interesting article entitled "What are the advantages and disadvantages of using online tools to create troubleshooting flowcharts?"
Decision Tree Prescriptive Analytics

VisiRule can be used for the following categories of analytics:
Descriptive Analytics
Model output to provide insight into the past and answer: “What happened?” -
Diagnostic Analytics
Mine and model insight into the past and answer: “Why, How did it happen?” -
Predictive Analytics
Use forecasting rules to understand the future and answer: “What may happen next?” -
Prescriptive Analytics
Capture advice on possible outcomes and answer: “What can we do about it?”
Diagnostic Fault Finding using Troubleshooting Flow Charts
You can map out the logic needed to diagnose faults using a diagnostic fault finding flow chart or flowchart. A fault finding diagnostic flow chart provides an excellent way to capture and share the process logic that can identify the root cause and most suitable resolution. Decision tree logic flowcharts provide a natural way to direct the troubleshooting investigation.
Interactive Online Troubleshooting Guides
Questions can have links to help files, manuals, KBs, images, pictures and other useful material. Users are only ever asked questions which are relevant and will contribute to an appropriate solution being found. Using the browser, they can go back and change their mind, and see what other questions and conclusions might be considered relevant. All of this makes for a rich, interactive walk-through of the online troubleshooting process.
This works as both proactive and prescriptive maintenance.
What are Diagnostic Flow Charts?
A diagnostic flow chart is a diagram depicting a process, a system or a computer algorithm. It is a diagrammatic representation of the solution to a given problem but, more importantly, it provides a breakdown of the essential steps to solving the problem. VisiRule allows you to rapidly turn troubleshooting flowcharts into an online guide to enable staff and customers tap into the expert knowledge of your most seniors troubleshooters.
Why Diagnostic Expert Systems?
Expert systems have been widely used to help find faults in industrial and electrical equipment as well as deliver diagnostic advice in areas such as healthcare and customer support. Expert systems provide a systematic way to reason, extract, store and manage the expertise and know-how of senior personnel, engineers and management. This knowledge can then be used and shared with a wider range of less experienced staff, or provided directly to consumers using simple interactive question and answer sessions.
​How Can Diagnostic Expert Systems be Integrated?
Expert systems can interface to modern equipment and data feeds such as SCADA systems, PLCs and industrial controllers. Modern sensor technology and vibration data coupled with wireless or wired networks means that the intelligent remote monitoring and diagnosing of machinery is now viable. Intelligent diagnostic systems can shorten system downtime by helping identify worn parts and likely causes of failure BEFORE a part fails.
Knowledge Retention
Valuable knowledge can be shared and retained, even when staff members retire or leave. Prolonging the life of old equipment and being able to provide accurate and effective maintenance support can be aided greatly by VisiRule.
Decision Graphs - More Powerful than Decision Trees
By allowing the merging of divergent branches within the diagnostic trees, VisiRule charts support paths which join up, so reducing the unnecessary duplication of sub-trees. This 'convergence' provides a far more compact representation than traditional decision trees which are prone to 'exponential explosion'.

VisiRule Troubleshooting Guide Features
Compound Logic
VisiRule supports compound expressions of arbitrary complexity as well as simple expressions. VisiRule also supports delayed logic where you refer back explicitly to a previous answer to a previous question.
Explainable AI Reasoning
Explanations can be attached to each step of the diagnosis to help guide and aid the user, and also to provide a way of explaining how a conclusion was reached.
Pictures, Videos and Links
Explanations can be in the form of text, pictures, images, videos and links to relevant web pages. Each question in VisiRule has a slot for an explanation.
Conversation Transcript
A record of each user session containing all the answers given, and any computations calculated, is made available along with the final conclusion reached for subsequent use. This can be emailed to the relevant department.
ChatBot Delivery
Your VisiRule chart can be used to generate an intelligent diagnostic chatbot which can guide users to a solution using a sequence of targeted questions.
VisiRule Analytics
VisiRule records each and every user sessions and uses these logs to produce intelligent visual analytics. Visual Analytics helps provide insight into popular paths and frequently occurring problems, and spot emergent patterns. Understanding the relationship between different clusters of answers and faults detected helps you understand better exactly how your charts are being used. By capturing user feedback, and seeing which routes are most popular, it is possible to produce self-service systems which actually improve over time.