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Legal Expert System Demos

Explore Legal Expert Systems

This page contains various legal expert system demos created using VisiRule - typically in hours, not days or weeks. The demos are page-based web apps and some are also available as Legal ChatBots.

Legal Knowledge Automation

Legal knowledge is well suited to VisiRule's logic-based reasoning and visual representation.


VisiRule offers a unique way for lawyers to capture and keep current their legal expertise using decision tree flowchart models and use them to deploy online rules based legal advice system without the need for programmers. Visual models can be shared and discussed with a wide range of stakeholders.

Anyone Can Do It - Even Lawyers!

VisiRule enables lawyers, legal subject matter experts and legal knowledge engineers to create and deliver knowledge based solutions. No programming required! The need for IT engineers often inhibits innovation and takes away control from those that really matter, the legal experts.

Questionnaire Generation

VisiRule builds the questionnaire directly from the decision tree flowchart itself. Unlike most other systems, VisiRule eliminates the need for a programmer to code the lawyer’s expertise into incomprehensible “computer gobblydegook” - both initially and, perhaps even more importantly, to keep the online advice current as the law and the responsible lawyer changes.

Harvesting of Values

The answers in the menus for questions are automatically created by VisiRule. VisiRule inspects each and every logical expression in the chart and records which answers belong to which question. VisiRule generates the code to present that question using that list of available answers. This avoids the problem of double-updating which is present in most other products..

Transparency of VisiRule Legal Expert Systems

Visual diagrams offer a very effective way of representing and communicating how legal knowledge is to be interpreted and implemented. VisiRule charts provide a familiar and structured way to organize legal knowledge. This means legal expertise can be shared internally and externally with a wide audience in an executable way.

Consistency of Legal Expert Systems

It is important that legal reasoning be applied consistently, and in an accountable and verifiable way. That is exactly what legal automation, as delivered by VisiRule, does do. Given the same answers, VisiRule will always produce the same recommendations and document instances. Each VisiRule session can be recorded and stored in a database for future use, as can any generated advice, document or guidance. All answers and information gathered can be used by other legal processes.


Layout Matters

One of VisiRule's many features is that it allows the author to determine the precise layout of a chart. This helps ensure that the knowledge model fits with the author's visual mental or paper model. Where the demo is based on an existing flowchart or decision tree diagram, that VisiRule chart can be arranged as per the original diagram.


Document Generation

All demos create a collection of standard reports on questions used, answers given, values computed using the default template. Some of the demos have their own templates which are used to generate an automated document instance.


Deliver as JavaScript

You can compile your legal charts into HTML/JavaScript and execute them client side using the VisiRule JavaScript Delivery Engine.


Combining Legal Expert Systems with other Processes

The demos on this page also show how Legal Expert Systems can be used in conjunction with other legal processes such as letter writing, legal document automation, legal advice generation, contract generation and case law search.


NDA auto generated

Legal Document Automation

VisiRule can automate legal document output in various formats using the answers gathered, and inferences and calculations made in the session.


VisiRule can combine complex logic with conditional text selection  from a clause database of approved text fragments.​

NDA Legal Expert System

Non-Disclosure Agreement

NDAs are a vital tool in protecting commercial secrets and enabling innovative companies to protect IP.

In this demo, the user's answers plus associated text fragments are used to populate an XML template to generate a customized NDA. The text fragments are stored in a database of available clauses, and selected using logic based on the given answers.

User can provide new items and associated text for incorporation within the NDA. In ChatBot mode, users can ask random questions at any point in time.


Policy Assessment

Checks to see if you have certain documented policies in place - generates custom advice and calculates a score using scoring weights. Also captures additional User self declared Policy Statements.

The allotted weights for the scores can be adjusted to illustrate dynamic scoring


Upon completion generates fully populated policy assessment document containing scores, recommendations and and policy statements given.


GDPR Expert System


Should you appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO)?This decision tree will help you determine whether your business needs to appoint a DPO under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force May 2018.


Please see the DPO Network Europe DPO FAQs web page for general information on this mandatory requirement.

VisiRule Medical Eligibility legal expert systems demo chart

Medical Eligibility

This legal expert systems demo helps program staff assess whether a client may be eligible for Marketplace or Medicaid health coverage, depending on the client’s current coverage, income and citizenship status. It also describes the continuing role of RWHAP services.


Staff assisting clients with enrolment can use this legal expert systems demo to prepare for a client visit or during a visit to help determine their client’s eligibility.

Redundancy Legal Expert System

Redundancy and Deductions

This legal expert systems demo establishes whether the deductions an employer has made are allowable.


The demo asks various questions and uses statement boxes to calculate some values. These are asserted globally and used to influence a keyword search of the relevant Case Law.

The %age matches are dynamically computed as the session progresses based on the questions visited.

Leave Enitlement Legal Expert Systems chart

Leave Entitlement and Notice

This example establishes what kind of leave entitlement is due to an employee based on their employment status, and also checks that the correct Notice period has been given.


This legal expert system also infers values which are used to direct a search of the relevant Case Law.

The %age matches are dynamically computed as the session progresses based on the questions visited.

NHS Legal Expert Systems Demo

NHS Employment Check

Not all NHS staff will be eligible for criminal record and barring checks. At the point of advertising a position, employers must make an assessment against the roles, activities and responsibilities of the particular position to determine eligibility.

Legal expert systems demo for invention patent

Can I Patent it?

Got a fantastic invention? Wondering whether or not it’s worth filing a patent application for it? Then definitely don’t pay any attention whatsoever to this flowchart, and go and get some proper advice from somewhere…

IPcopy is an intellectual property related news site covering a wide variety of IP related news and issues. Please see their website for more information.

Immigration legal expert systems demo for immigration

Immigration Pathways

There are the many pathways and roadblocks to lawful immigration. This legal expert system demo can help applicants explore their possible routes to success.


The legal decision tree is based on the legal flow chart in: 

How to get a green card.

copyright advice legal expert system

Can I Share Links on the Internet?

On 8 September 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union once again* considered the problem of linking as a form of infringement of copyrights on the Internet. In the case GS Media against Sanoma Media Netherlands (C-160/15) the Court found, in essence, that linking may constitute a ‘communication to the public’ and in consequence infringe the copyright, if it is done with knowledge that the content is unauthorized. If the link is posted for profit, the knowledge is presumed.

Controlled Waste Legal Expert System.web

Controlled Waste Activities

Do you need a Licence, Permit or Certificate of Registration?


You may be unclear as to whether you need a waste licence, waste facility permit, a certificate of registration or whether you are exempt from all of these authorisations.


In order to help you decide, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has prepared flow charts to help determine which authorisation is required. This legal expert systems demo is based on those very charts.

ser decison-making

Special Administration Request Decision Making Flowchart

A Special Administration Request Decision Making Flowchart is available to help guide districts in determining whether a special administration of an online assessment is appropriate for a particular situation.

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