VisiRule JavaScript Rules Engine
VisiRule now also offers a compact, client-side JavaScript-based rules engine to execute charts locally in the browser. This reduces the heavy-lifting that often comes with server-side rules engine processing and allows for lighter, more responsive rules execution anywhere, anytime - even without a connection.
JavaScript Rules Engines
The VisiRule JavaScript Rule Engine provides a convenient way to deliver decision tree flowcharts solutions. These are self-contained and can be embedded within web pages, emails and documents, indeed, anywhere where JavaScript runs.
How does the VisiRule JS Engine work?
The VisiRule to HTML compiler encodes the business decision logic of a chart into an XML data structure which the JavaScript-based rule engine can understand. VisiRule provides a user interface which can be modified using HTML and CSS. Extra situation specific functionality can be added via JS code.
Go Back and Change your Mind!
The VRJS Rule Engine maintains a dynamic stack of questions asked and answers given. Users can go back to previous questions, change their mind and re-evaluate.
Document Generation
On reaching a final conclusion, the JavaScript rule engine can send the answers to the VisiRule Document Generator in order to create a bespoke document.
Embedded Calculations and Formulae
VisiRule Statement Boxes can contain code to compute calculations using answers given to earlier questions, just like Excel.
Advantages of Offline Client-side Delivery
In a traditional server-rendered application, every user interaction has to confer with a remote server about what to do next. Client-side apps are different. They load the entire payload up-front, and once it’s booted, it has all the logic needed.
Lexis Tool Geschäftsfähigkeit
The Lexis digital assistant advises on cases in which the effectiveness of a legal transaction or legal transaction is questionable. The tool contains over 50 questions, of which the user only has to answer a few, to arrive at a result.
Lexis Tool Mietrechtsgesetz
The area of Tenancy Law often causes difficulties in practice - the assessment of which laws an existing contract is subject to is complex and time-consuming. The test scheme assistant enables a quick assessment of which regulations are to be applied to a specific tenancy.

Client-side Control
The demos use a basic CSS style sheet which specifies the font, size, face, colour, spacing, border for each node type found in the page (like question, explanation, conclusion etc). This presentation layer can be easily enhanced and extended by anyone familiar with standard web principals. You can inspect the HTML yourself.
VisiRule stores the chart logic and node data in XML, executed by the dedicated VisiRule JS business rule engine.
Lawns Example

This is a simple lawns advisor expert system demo which hooks into the VisiRule Document Generator so as to provide upon completion a fully populated document instance using the answers and conclusions gathered from the client.
Volatile Data
The focus of this decision tree is not to list every possible combination of scenarios, but to show some of the basic options that are available and remind examiners about things to think about when imaging.
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